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Sites of Construction used a multiplicity of media to explore the iconography of the grid and its usage throughout the last 2 centuries as a tool for measurement, mapping and the construction of difference. The work consisted of 3 ‘sites’, the body, games and the spatial location of work within and outside of the Towner Art Gallery.

Sites of Construction: Floor Game 


Artist quote:

"Forms of interactivity and the incorporation of responses from an audience have been a strong continuum in my work. The audience as a force for change; the questioning of hierarchies of sight over experience, in the ‘reading’ and interpretation of work; the transformation of sites into mechanisms for examining layers of socialisation, constitute the basic underlying motivations in my work." 

Interactive floor installation, gaffer tape, mdf playing pieces, Victorian racial colour coding: red, white, yellow, brown, black.


"Sites of Construction actively sought responses from its audience. The incorporation of physical interaction within the pieces allowed for elements of change and the creation of a space through which the participant/viewer was able to master their own narrative. The work also attempted to undermine the monopoly of sight in the interpretation and experience of 'reading' art works. Interactive installation offered the possibility of non-linear narratives that included and recorded the dialogue between myself, the work and those who actively or passively became part of the work. It also attempted to reference the viewer as an agency for change and raised the question of how people wittingly or unwittingly perpetuate ideologies."

Shown in Sites of Construction, Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne; number six; London; Stick Your Hands in the Air, London; Unframing Process, CAS, Osaka, Japan.

Sites of Construction: Rubix Cubes / Anthropological Puzzles

Sites of Construction: The Body

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